Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Politically Incorrect....

A friend and I were talking about how blessed we are and how easily we forget. Their are so many families out there struggling, financially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. We talked about it for quite a while and I can honestly ashamed to say that's all I did...
I didn't even take the time to pray...

I was privileged enough to represent a former company I worked for on the Chamber of Commerce. Our company had a great outreach program and now with connections with the Chamber of Commerce - we could really make a difference in that little town! (Let me go ahead and say, I do not want to offend anyone affiliated with there local chamber's or any other organization, this was my own personal experience, not ALL are like this) I quickly learned that they spent the first 6 months planning for a festival in June and the following 6 months planning the Christmas Parade.
Really people? Are we still talking about how Joe Blow doesn't need to display all of his stuff on the sidewalk for the festival? How many meetings does it take to decide that there was plenty of parking last year and probably will be plenty of parking this year?? All of these influential people that can really make a difference....
So many times I wanted to say (but didn't) - Any of you assholes thought a food drive might be nice to plan??? I don't know, maybe the fact that Joe Blow's business is going under and he's fixing to file for bankruptcy - he just might NEED to display all his items on the sidewalk to help them sale...

SO, that's my gripe, we're out there talking (me included) wrapped up in the upcoming festival or event - missing our opportunity to do something...
It doesn't have to be complicated, most of us can step outside in our front yard and look to the right or left and see that elderly neighbor that needs their trash taken off, or the kid down the road that doesn't look like they've had a new pair of shoes in forever... How hard is it to smile and give a word of encouragement? Give Joe Blow a break, he's had a hard enough day...

I encourage each of you today to join me in doing (not just talking about it) something extra for someone else....


  1. What a great reminder! Thank you!

  2. Why do we forget so easily? It drives me nuts. There is so much I could say, but still, I would not be do-ing. UGH!
