Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm giddy about...

I'm participating in Mama Kat's writer's workshop this week, the assignment I chose - What are you giddy about? Inspired by Heather.
I am giddy about a lot of things. It doesn't take much to excite me...
I am giddy about triple coupon day at the grocery store, the new Asian spicy chicken at Wendy's. It is absolutely delicious! My absolute favorite thing right now, that gets me all excited inside - something to really get giddy about....
It's Craigslist's free postings. You know where people post there old junk that they can't stand anymore, rather than sale it for cheap, would just as soon give it away than fool with it. Yep, your trash may be my long awaited for treasure. Sure I check Craigslist ten times a day and maybe it'll take me two months to see that super find that you've posted for free (just for me!)
and yes, I may drive 30 miles down the road just to get my new found prize - oh but it was freeeee!!


  1. Sounds fun. I'll have to check it out.

  2. My honey gets on craigslist quite a bit, but I have never been on it. I only checked out ebay for the first time a couple months ago.

  3. I always forget to check it. Hmmm...maybe I should more.
