Saturday, August 15, 2009

One down

Mama, pleeeeeze do NOT get out of the car and take my picture - it's embarrassing!!
So, I promised and said of course not son it's only your first day of middle school - my first born at a milestone but whatever!
Technically - I didn't get out of the car so I only sort of lied....right???


  1. Hahaha! So funny!
    I would have done the same!

  2. you could have yelled out the window so he turned to look at the camera.....he just said dont get out of the car, right? lol

  3. I would of sooo yelled his name!

  4. That is too funny!! My mother would have offered to walk me to the door and then made me stand there like an idiot so she could have taken my picture!

  5. I don't blame you one bit for wanting that picture! Not sure I could've kept myself from making more of a scene :-)

  6. that is awesome. what a great mom you are.

    you could have walked him to the door. and kissed him goodbye. and then cried. :)

  7. That was cute!! Counting down the days for Avery to start middle school!!

  8. Awww very cute! So does he know you took it? lol.
