Monday, August 3, 2009

Maybe they're not as big as it seems...

School will be starting here in a few weeks. This year Anthony will be starting middle school (really struggling with that) and Abby will be starting kindergarten (really, REALLY struggling with that) We know she's our last, so there's not going to be another child that we'll see make those first steps in to the school ... and then there's Allison, she's 10 going in to the 5th grade but thinks wants to be 18....
what happened to those sweet LITTLE children of mine???

It feels like I'm losing my little one's to "Father time"...
but then I'm reminded that they are not as big as it seems...


  1. isnt it sad yet exciting? I love watching my baby grow but get sad when I try to snuggle her and shes almost as big as me. (almost 8yrs old)

  2. Great post! They really do grow up too fast.
